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You are currently logged on to the web site of Gilbert Dupont Stockbrokers SNC, with €3,806,440 capital.
Gilbert Dupont Stockbrokers is accredited by the CECEI (French credit and investment institution authority) to provide all the investment services laid down in the French Monetary and Finance Code, with the exception of underwriting.

- Identification N°: Paris Commercial Register / Siren 472 500 503
- Intracommunity VAT N°: FR72472500503
- Head office: 50 Rue d’Anjou – 75008 – Paris
- Internet addresses: and
- Management: Pascal Mathieu
- Publication Manager: Pascal Mathieu
- Editorial Manager: Pascal Mathieu
- Host: Société Claranet SAS, 2 rue des Landelles · 35510 Cesson Sévigné · France
- CNIL (data privacy authority) declaration: this site was declared to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) on 04.07.2002, with the reference number 810675.


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However, British residents are free to access the site if they are Market Counterparties or Intermediate Customers.
Citizens of the United States are also strictly prohibited from accessing the site except in the capacity of Major US Institutional Investors, as defined by the Securities Exchange Act.
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It is therefore up to the people concerned to determine the prevailing legal regulations in this respect and comply with same.
Gilbert Dupont Stockbrokers hereby declines any liability in the event of use of this site contravening its terms and conditions of access. 

Scheduled frequency of search publications :

The following publications are produced for the shares monitored by Gilbert Dupont Stockbrokers :
- monitoring via a Morning E-mail,
- updated data sheets in a “Monthly French mid and Small Caps”,
- a fundamental study or four-page memo when coverage is initially started.

Intellectuel Property

The information contained on this site is protected under the provisions of intellectual property law. Accordingly, the said information may not be used or duplicated without prior authorisation. 
If monitoring ceases, this is indicated in the daily e-mail and repeated in " GD Universe " of the Monthly French mid and Small Caps.

External Hypertext Links

Gilbert Dupont cannot be held liable for the links to external sites from the Gilbert Dupont site, notably in respect of the content of the sites as well as any technical risks occasioned. If you use a hypertext link to access an external site, you accept the related risks and any resulting direct or indirect prejudice.
Gilbert Dupont cannot be held liable for any hypertext links that may direct users to its site. It formally prohibits the implementation of this type of link without its prior approval in writing. 

Your personal information

The personal information collected within this site is used by Gilbert Dupont Stockbrokers and is managed in compliance with the regulations applicable to the Protection of Personal Data. For more information, we invite you to consult the page Personal data.

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In accordance with Article 26 of European Delegated Regulation no. 2017/565 of April 25th 2016, the brokerage firm Gilbert DUPONT has adopted an effective and transparent procedure to deal promptly and reasonably with any complaint made by former, existing or potential client.


A complaint is defined as any declaration of dissatisfaction by the client (former, existing or potential) regarding the brokerage firm Gilbert DUPONT. A request for information, advice, clarification, assistance, or service is not a complaint.

Complaints procedure

Any person wishing to make a complaint against the brokerage firm Gilbert DUPONT must:

Send a letter to the following address:

Société de Bourse Gilbert Dupont
Réclamations clients
50 rue d'anjou - 75008 Paris

Or send an email to the following address:

Any communication sent by the customer must clearly indicate that it is a complaint.

Complaint processing time

The brokerage firm Gilbert DUPONT undertakes to:

Acknowledge receipt of any client complaint within 10 working days of the date on which the complaint was sent, unless a response has been sent to the client before this deadline.

To respond to any complaint within a maximum period of two months between the date on which the complaint was sent and the date of dispatch of the response to the client, except in the event of duly justified special circumstances. No charge will be made for handling a complaint.

If the response time is exceeded, Gilbert Dupont undertakes to justify this.


If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint, or if there is no response to your complaint within two months, you may contact the AMF free of charge, preferably by electronic form on the AMF website, or by using the QR CODE below to access the form directly.

or by post to the following address

Médiateur de l’AMF
Autorités des Marchés Financiers
17 place de la Bourse
75082 Paris cedex 02

In the event that mediation fails, each Party will be able to terminate the mediation and submit the dispute to the Tribunal de Commerce in Paris to whom they grant exclusive competence.

Disclaimers for companys followed by Gilbert Dupont : Click here


Applicable law - Litigation

The Agreement is subject to French law.

In the event of any inconsistencies between the French version of the Agreement and the English translation, the French version will prevail.

In the event of a dispute, the Parties undertake to seek an amicable agreement within a period of twenty-one (21) days following reception of the notification of the causes of the dispute, via a registered letter with a request for acknowledgment of receipt. To this end, they will jointly appoint a mediator.

In the absence of agreement regarding the appointment of the mediator within seven (7) days from the reception of the notification of the dispute, the mediator will be appointed, at the request of whichever Party takes the initiative, by the President of the Tribunal de Grande Instance in Paris, ruling in interlocutory proceedings

The mediator will bring together the Parties, listen to their respective arguments and explain to them, if necessary, the possible consequences.

The costs will be divided equally between the Parties.

In the event that mediation fails, each Party will be able to terminate the mediation and submit the dispute to the Tribunal de Commerce in Paris to whom they grant exclusive competence.